
Friday, 25 January 2008

Bit of fun...

Perusing my e-mail while eating my breakfast I came across a fun website someone sent me. I like my zen reading. course if it was horrible I just would have ignored it but hey if 'anyone' says anything nice about me it's good to share. :-)
Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition!
Zen Intuition

Score: 16

You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!

1 comment:

jsi said...

Beautiful lights.
Continue toshine with simplicity and truth

Do you believe in Chartership?