Carnegie Medal time has arrived again. While this does enable me to have two days out of the library it also means a small amount of stress organising the trip.
I should explain what we do to shadow the Carnegie Awards here. Well as you know there are seven books on the shortlist this year. We have to select seven pupils - one for each book and take them over to a school where each kid designs (with 12 other kids from other schools) a play based on the books. The next day they perform it at a local theatre with authors and dignitaries judging.
This year is easier and yet harder at the same time for me. The event cincidentally occurs in Activities week in our school so most of the children are on other school trips abroad. The ones that stay behind have to help with ecoschools and from what I gather it basically means cleaning the school up!
Anyway so I have a finite group to choose from (some I won't touch with a barge pole but some are great) Unfortunately I may have to choose some of the first group to go with me. Woe is me.
The budget is also a bit of a problem at the moment. It's at the end of the year and the accoutns department get a bit ancy about spending money (even though I have enough in my budget!
The other librarians I'm told usually buy three books of each of the shortlisted titles. They then get the children to write reviews on each one and choose the best. i can't afford to do this so I've got them telling me their first, second and third choice and pulling their names out of a hat so I only have to buy one of each.
Then it's actually getting them to want to go. A couple were like "yeah yeah, I really want to go. Can I go? please, please, I'll be good!" Others were like "um, I'll have to tink about it, what else is going on that week?"
Interestingly enough when I mention that the alternative is to pick up litter in the school, they become strangely interested...
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