
Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Freezing Library

Ok, I know I feel the cold more than most, but this takes the biscuit. I'm wearing my overgrown duvet-like coat right now and sat next to a portable heater, scarf around my neck, periodically breathing into my fingers to try and warm them up. There is no way I can do cataloguing i n this cold, so I thought I'd have a quick moan instead.

So I may have a cold. OK I do, but if it's a tenth cold as I feel it then it's bloody cold. Still at least I have heating at home now. We've just had a complete heating system put in. Its wonderful! Yes, because of the heat but more because we had to tidy up for the workman and there is so much SPACE now!

I've been doing the termly library report today. I hate to say it but I secretly enjoy doing this. I feel vindicated. There's nothing like increasng your circulation by 150% over the last librarian to make you feel good. Not that I am bragging. Well OK I am. I think with the growing trend for teacher librarians, we should all brag once in a while. How can someone who works only 30% of term-time on Library duty do better than someone who does 80& of term time. It's not possible. The only good thing about that scenario is that it makes us 'proper' librarians look good. we've had the training and the passion to get things going!

OK, enough ranting for one day. See you soon...

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